From December 2024 McHurt will continue under new management
There have been some rumors about possible changes at McHurt, and now we are excited to share the following facts with you:
Starting December 1, 2024, we will welcome Zahra-Dorothea Rowghani to our team! She will take over the management of McHurt, while founder Pia-Kathryn Nissen will focus on design and production.
With Zahra’s experiences in the BDSM Community and her strategic insight into the scene, we are well-positioned to continue delighting you with our high-quality products and reliable service.
Pia is looking forward to surprising and inspiring you with her creative ideas and unique designs. The familiar McHurt quality and authenticity will remain in every detail!
Zahra, Pia, and the McHurt team are excited to embark on a new chapter of McHurt. We are always available for questions or just a friendly chat – whether in the store, via email, or at trade shows.
Your support and loyalty have greatly motivated us over the past years. Thank you for being part of the McHurt community!